Rug Trends

The Art Of Handmade Rugs and Carpets: Hand Tufted, Loom and Weaving

What is handmade carpet?

The art of weaving by hands is dramatically represented in the Indian hand-woven rugs and carpets made by the expert artisans. As the leading producer and exporter in the industry, we are proud of the entire process that is involved in creating these expensive pieces of art.

Hand Carding Process

The process starts with the wool that has been shaved off which is afterwards meticulously detangled and cleaned manually using carriers and eventually it is combed out by hand. These little paddles that you twist and turn before the wool strands get correctly aligned so that they can easily be spun.

Spinning Expertise

The next stage entails winding the raw wool fiber into continuous threads using a spinning wheel. The nifty-handed spinner monopolizes the wool using the fingers and creates sturdy threads which are the best strings for tying the right number of knots envied.

Design Inspiration

All the members of our team genuinely love to work from all corners of the globe and our customers will always be able to see that spark in our designs.

Graphing for Precision

Weavers and tufters usually have hands-on experiences and use their creative skills to weave the designs knowing fully well that some even the slightest inaccuracies could create alterations in the final product.

Dyeing Techniques

Spinning is process of dyeing yarn with the POT-Dyeing method; Craftsmanship employed in weaving carpets is no doubt the key to that product. However, the most vital element for meeting the client's requirements is whether we match the colors of the final design. The Dye Master's eye identifies the color choice among existing colors in the inventory and applies color to dyes with exact precision. It may take a day for each pigment to be mixed and prepared.

Sun Drying Ritual

As soon as the dyeing process is done, the yarn is then soaked in the water and sun for almost half a day to make sure the color comes off properly.

Tufting and Weaving

In the final instance, the same dye stuff is used after sun-drying to create the twining of skafs to wood and bamboo confirming every hand-knotted reinforcement.

Herbal Washing Process

Each of the carpets soaks in a ramp scrubbing using HERBAL-WASH technology. The carpet comes off the loom and together with the artisans who wash it by hand, they use wooden paddles to tighten the intertwined fibers in order to make the colors so permanent.

Trimming and Carving

After that, the carpet is taken to trimming machine and carefully dissimilar parts are cut using big sharp flat blades. The installation of particular design components to sample length-wise Elizabethan techniques of weaving wool on to linen and silk commenced.

Binding and Finishing Touches

The warp part of the carpet is knotted and processed through means of trims, thus, the finished carpet is decked with the edges by hand. Every item produced is straight quality checked and packaged then shipped to the complementing global customers.

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